Empowering Communities: GreenMax’s Impact on Energy Access

Working at GreenMax has provided me with the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of positively challenging roles, from fund management, to consulting, to transaction advisory, all aimed at providing, unlocking, and attracting financing to eke out that additional kilowatt or household connection to close the very vast energy access gap in Sub-Saharan Africa. A common theme across all of these roles has been developing, adapting, and applying a range of financing structures to catalyse additional capital and support electrification initiatives.
Just over six years ago, the Bo community in Sierra Leone was experiencing severe energy access challenges, with demand far outstripping the valiant but insufficient supply. I was part of the GreenMax team that delivered a suite of transaction advisory services including structuring, capital raising, and tariff negotiations to support an intrepid developer looking to implement a 25MW solar IPP project in the Bo area. The first phase of this solar farm has since been completed, marking the commissioning of what was the first project-financed private IPP in the country
Such activities which move the electrification needle and deliver tangible impact are some of the rewarding reasons I am proud to be a part of GreenMax Capital Group.