Havenhill Synergy Solar Mini-Grid Project Development


Havenhill Synergy Ltd.




2018 – ongoing


Havenhill Synergy Ltd. is a Nigerian solar energy company that is developing solar mini-grids designed to power rural communities, with systems ranging in size up to 200 kWp in capacity. Havenhill’s pilot installation was completed in 2018 in Kgbe community in the Kwali Local Government area at Abuja. With grant funding offered by Nigeria’s Rural Electrification Agency, Havenhill is ramping up its operations with 20-30 new sites under development.

In 2018, Havenhill retained GreenMax to raise capital to support the deployment of the additional mini-grids. GreenMax is analyzing the financial models for the new sites and recommending the optimum mix of grant-equity and concessional debt and providing advice on the structure for the financing plan prior to issuing solicitation for financing.